23 May 2011

Gauss Seidel Newton Raphson Methods advantages and disadvantages

Guass – Seidel Method:

Guass seidel method is one of the common methods employed for solving power flow equations.


  • Simplicity in technique
  • Small computer memory requirement
  • Less computational time per iteration


  • Slow rate of convergence resulting in larger number of iterations
  • Increase in the number of iterations with increase in the number of buses

Newton Raphson Method:

Newton Raphson method is the sophisticated and important method for solving power flow studies particularly for the complex power systems. Newton Raphson method is based on Taylor’s series and partial derivatives.


  • Newton Raphson method needs less number of iterations to reach convergence, takes less computation time
  • More accurate and not sensitive to the factors such like slack bus selection, regulation transformers etc. and the number of iterations required in this method is almost independent of system size.


  • More calculations involved in each iteration and require large computation time per iteration and large computer memory
  • Difficult solution technique (programming is difficult)


Unknown said...

Prefect Explanation. <3

Anonymous said...

clear cut answer

Unknown said...


The challenge however, is we don’t yet know how it will be used making too hard to assess their value proposition and consequently value.

We are a technology company in South Africa with a few power electronic products containing micros with custom written software in C.
We are trying now as non-software engineers, with basic understanding of C to try and understand or interpret our software into basic English if I may put it that way. We are the hardware engineers and designed the unit but did not write the software ourselves.

Variable having block scope and without static specifier have automatic storage duration. Variables with block scope, and with static specifier have static scope. Global variables (i.e., file scope) with or without the static specifier also have static scope.

If I posted sections of code, would someone be able to translate this for us and also write new improved modifications that we require

But nice Article Mate! Great Information! Keep up the good work!

Many Thanks,

Unknown said...

I need some more advantages

Anonymous said...

Good explanation